Preliminary Program
The meeting begins on Thursday, February 27, and concludes on Monday, March 3, with a farewell dinner. Departure is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4. The registration fee includes accommodation for 5 nights.
TENTATIVE PROGRAM (Subject to change)
27/2 (Thursday): Arrival
20:00 Opening lecture (45 min + 15min discussion): Sharon Terry
A Patient Perspective: ABC Transporters and Therapeutics
Lectures: 35 min plus 10 min discussion
28/2: 8:30 Cristina Paulino
Bacterial resilience: multi-level hierarchical regulation of the osmolyte importer OpuA
9:15 Atsushi Kodan
Direct visualization of ABCA1-mediated nascent HDL generation by high-speed AFM
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Jochen Zimmer
Diverse mechanisms of glycolipid translocation by ABC transporters
11:15 Michael Gottesman
12:00 Lunch
Evening for poster bullets and poster viewing
1/3: 8:30 Maofu Liao
Structural basis of specific and nonspecific ABC transporters
9:15 Emad Tajkhorshid
Impact of lipids and genetic modulations on the transport cycle and drug interaction of ABC
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Maria Zoghbi
Studying the molecular mechanisms of ABC transporters under physiologically relevant
11:15 Katarina Mikusova
Mycobacterial galactan exporter Wzm-Wzt – from discovery to structural insights
12:00 Lunch
Evening Keynote lecture (45 min + 15min discussion):
Laszlo Csanady
2/3: 8:30 Markus Seeger
Mycobacterial ABC transporter IrtAB imports iron-loaded siderophores via a non-canonical transport route
9:15 Hasane Mchaourab
Mechanism of Drug Release by Multidrug ABC Exporter
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Thomas Tomasiak
Phosphoregulation of an ABC transporter through transient states of an intrinsically disordered
11:15 Zoya Ignatova
CFTR – the most strange ABC pore
12:00 Lunch
Evening lecture (35+10): Marc Liesa
The role of ABCB10 controlling mitochondrial redox in health and disease
Poster viewing
3/3: 8:30 Peng Zhang
Structure and mechanism of Plant hormone ABC transporters
9:15 Rachelle Gaudet
Structural analyses of a peptidase-ABC transporter that activates specialized bacterial metabolites
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Ute Hellmich
Allosteric interdomain in ABC multidrug transporters
11:15 Christian Frankhauser
A member of the ABCG family is required for intercellular air channel maintenance and directional
light sensing in plants
12:00 Lunch
End afternoon Perspective lecture (45 min + 15min discussion): Karl Kuchler
Dinner and farewell